July 6, 2011

Sugar Coma

One of the best things about heading home is hanging out with the girls, the girls being my mom and my grandma.

Seriously, they are the best.

On Saturday morning, we headed to the farmer’s market. The breeze was blowing and the weather was pretty tame. Though I wished that the market was selling more fruit, I was pretty impressed by the three stands that were selling vegetables. The others were selling baked goods and let me just say, I had a really good cinnamon roll, whopie pie, peanut butter cookie, and about five sugar cookies.

And then I had a monster strawberry smoothie at the coffee shop down the street.

And then we went antiquing, where I found the most amazing high chair known to mankind. Once we move into the condo (by the way, we might be moving), I will totally take a picture of the high chair once we get the dining room set up.

It is freaking the best baby thing I have acquired so far.

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