September 19, 2011

The Elusive Milky Smile

On Thursday night, after 8 hours of fussing, I finally figured out that I had an overtired baby.

Call me a novice mom (true), but I had never before heard of such a dastardly event.

It's like when you don't eat for so long that you totally lose your appetite.  Babies do the same thing with sleep, except it culminates in a major meltdown, with the parent somehow responsible for all of the misery.

Now I'm on the lookout for sleepy clues, ready to put a baby to sleep at a moment's notice, boob at the ready.  Unfortunately, I'm not too fancy at this yet, so the only sign I recognize is a yawn... which is already pretty far into the game.


But, I'm learning and loving it, unless the meltdown turns into a duet, in which case...

At least we're in it together.

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